Performance 日历



跳舞 faculty member Francisco Martinez, born in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 西班牙, has been a faculty member since 2009. Martinez danced with Compania Nacional de Danza (西班牙) and Ballet Royal de Wallonie (Belgium), performing works of Petipa, Fokine, 巴兰钦, Kylian, 范-梅南, Duato, Nebrada, 阿隆索, 和Sokolow, 等. He was rehearsal director for Ballet Hispanico of New York from 1996-2000. He was a guest teacher for Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montreal, BJM Danse-Ballet Jazz de Montreal, 波士顿芭蕾舞团, Alvin Ailey American 跳舞 Theater, Compania Nacional de Danza, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, and Hubbard Street 跳舞 Chicago. Martinez has staged works by Vicente Nebrada, Hans 范-梅南, Jiri Kilian, and Nacho Duato. He has choreographed works for 波士顿芭蕾舞团 School and 波士顿芭蕾舞团 II, the San Francisco Ballet Trainee program, Marymount Manhattan 大学, the Ailey-Fordham B.F.A. program, Ballet Hispanico School, and Arts Umbrella in Vancouver. Martinez has been a faculty member of Sarah Lawrence 大学, the Ailey School, Marymount Manhattan 大学, Long Island University, Jacob’s Pillow Educational program, 波士顿芭蕾舞团 School, San Francisco Ballet School, Peridance, Ballet Academy East, the Joyce Theater Educational Program, the 92nd Street Y, and 跳舞 Masters of America. Martinez trained at the National Ballet School in 西班牙, at the Maria de Avila 跳舞 School, and with Victor Ullate. He holds a degree in ballet from the Royal Conservatory of 跳舞 in Madrid and is a graduate of the 跳舞 Education Laboratory at the 92nd Street Y Harkness 跳舞 Center in New York City. He is also a certified Hatha 瑜伽 instructor in Ashtanga